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管理委员会成员负责共同管理公司。 管理委员会主要职责包括公司的战略管理、资源分配、财务审计和报告、风险管理和公司控制。


A man with a beard and glasses is seated at a table in an office setting. He is wearing a dark suit, white shirt, and red tie. Behind him are a door and a cabinet with decorative items secured with tesa tape. (This text has been generated by AI)

Stephan Hauber

President and Regional Manager of Greater China


德莎 (tesa SE) 监事会

德莎 (tesa SE) 监事会由 6 名成员组成,这些成员由出席股东年度大会的股东选出。 监事会成员任职期限为 5 年。 任职期满时有资格再选。 监事会主席由其成员选举产生。

Arunjai Mittal
Chairman of the Supervisory Board tesa SE

Astrid Maria Hermann
Chief Financial Officer at Beiersdorf AG

Michael Herz
Member of the Executive Board of maxingvest GmbH & Co. KGaA
Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of Tchibo GmbH

Kirstin Weiland
Process Engineer, tesa Manufacturing Hamburg GmbH

Thomas Wulff
Works Council Chairman tesa Plant Hamburg

Jan-Dirk Auris
CEO, Schülke & Mayr GmbH