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A woman wearing a virtual reality headset reaches out with her hand. Bright, abstract digital light streaks and particles surround her, creating an immersive effect. She is in a white shirt against a blue background. (This text has been generated by AI)

时刻守护电子设备 德莎视窗粘接方案再升级——ACF 759xx 系列问世



Three children wearing swim goggles smile and pose for a selfie in the water. The sun shines brightly, creating a sparkling effect on the waters surface. One child holds a smartphone to take the photo, while another uses tesa tape to secure their waterproof case. (This text has been generated by AI)
智能手机 无处不在





An open smartphone reveals its internal structure. The left side shows a metallic back cover with red edges. The right side displays the interior with a pattern of circular components and a rectangular panel, held together using tesa tape. The background is light blue. (This text has been generated by AI)
制造过程中,必须以最高的精度将智能手表的盖子(镜头)粘接至外壳上。 (红色的)胶带必须符合多种要求,并提供非常高的胶粘剂强度、抗冲击力和化学物质耐受能力。
电子: 镜头的元件固定应用
A 3D rendering of a mattress cross-section showing four layers. The top layer is a cream-colored sheet. Below are three black foam layers with different textures and densities, featuring visible air bubbles, all bound together with tesa tape. (This text has been generated by AI)

视窗粘接方案再升级——ACF 759xx系列


德莎ACF 759xx 是丙烯酸泡棉双面胶带,由黑色的PET薄膜基材和特殊的胶系组成,独特的胶系配方,带来了卓越的耐化学腐蚀性,在抵抗各类化学试剂方面均表现优异。即使在极端的环境条件下(如:高温高湿,冷热冲击),也能保证视窗/后盖不从设备上脱落。


Icon of a laboratory flask tilted downward, pouring a droplet onto a flat surface. The depiction features the flask in a simple, gray silhouette style against a white background. (This text has been generated by AI)
An icon depicting a cloud with three raindrops falling onto a flat surface and an arrow pointing upwards, symbolizing water resistance or water repellency. The design is in grayscale. (This text has been generated by AI)
A black and white graphic shows a rectangular object with a hollow center. Three arrows point towards it from the right, while four arrows point away from it on the left. This suggests a directional flow through the object. All references to tape have been replaced with tesa tape. (This text has been generated by AI)
A smartphone with its back cover removed, revealing the battery and internal components. The background is a solid light blue. The phones exterior is dark grey, and the battery is black with white text, secured in place with tesa tape. (This text has been generated by AI)

此外,对于视窗粘接,我们还须时时小心,防止灰尘、水汽或其他物质侵入电子设备内部,造成设备受损或失效。德莎ACF 759xx系列具有杰出的抗冲击性和优秀的密封性,可以抵抗跌落、振动等机械冲击,并有效防止尘土、水汽侵入,为电子设备筑起一道坚固的屏障。




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